Here are some links to outside the Netrek Outpost. Hope you enjoyed your stay here.
Netrek Game Board
Where to go to learn about and/or start your own clue Netrek games.
Netrek in the Netherlands
A great Netrek startpage for anyone, not just Dutch players. Includes the highly recommended Get a Clue! archive for beginners.
Netrek: Continuum
In their own words, 'a central site for Netrek related WWW links. These links are grouped together for easy access.' A great influence and reference for these pages.
Euro Netrek Face Files
An archive of most European Netrek players (at least the ones who have bothered to register). Get info on your worst Netrek enemy, including real name, handle, e-mail address and picture.
NASG '97
Netrek Addict Summer Gathering in Europe. Meet your favorite Netrek for face to face! Why is beer always mixed in with Internet games?
Yschii's Netrek Page
Amazing stories and facts about the world's best game, it says. I thought we were talking about Netrek? This page has given some great laughs but still is a bit corny at times.